Monday, May 10, 2010

Turning 6 on Mothers Day

So, how was your Mothers Day?
My 4th child celebrated her 6th Birthday, and was thrilled with
a brand new "big girl" bike. We had a little tea party for her and
a few friends then we enjoyed a much needed dinner out.
And how was yours?


  1. HI
    oh how delightful - "a big girl bike' :-) and you have four children? Bless you.
    Mother's day here was lovely - you can see a picture over at my blog if you get a moment.
    Hope your dinner out was wonderful.
    Love Gail

  2. Thanks Gail, I just read your Mothers Day post and it is the most touching table top tribute I have ever read, thank you for sharing :)

    Dinner last night was good, anytime I don't have to do dishes is a good thing, oh and we have 5 kidos---yep! That's alot of dishes!


  3. I'll bet dinner out was in order! No dishes is always a treat I'm sure.
    Happy Belated Birthday to your little girl.
